Wednesday, 25 November 2009


There was something very french about this morning. No, I didn't have croissants for breakfast, it was just that during my walk towards campus there was a certain french-ness in the air. I can't put my finger on what it was, and I honestly cannot describe it. Whether it was the unusual sunshine I do not know but then maybe every morning is like that, I'm just never usually up and about with the rest of civilisation so early in the day.

Btw, "Bonjour" is actually french for "good morning".... not "hello".

Monday, 23 November 2009

Did I ever mention...

... how much I LOVE Florence + the Machine?

If not....then I have now :)

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Friday, 20 November 2009

A glass of rose in one hand, a blog in the other!

Having a little celebration for one, on the couch, with some wine and a small grin on my face. Have just done little bit of online banking and for the first time in... well, forever, my finances are looking up! My long awaited annual scholarship money came through and finally I am able to reduce my overdraft and edge my way back into the light. It's all paying for the very laptop I am blogging from right now.

Right now, Barclays is on my side :)

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

"Figaro, figaro figaro!"

Ahh, what a lovely display of coloured glass bottles on my window ledge.......

....but WAIT! What's that in the distance? Parked right outside my window... could it be?

YES! A Nissan Figaro! Now that is just unfair. Teasing me with its beautiful grey exterior.

The fact I cannot drive obviously doesn't bother me.

Monday, 16 November 2009

Thursday, 12 November 2009


Some photos from yesterday's bake-sale held at the student union raising money to send us poor aspiring photographers to Free Range in London after graduation.

If u don't know what Free Range is then look @ this link

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Something which has been bothering me today...

... what IS geek chic about!? Or... what is with geek chic? Or, what is geek chic? It intrigues me slightly. By all means I  don't dislike it! In fact it has a strange appeal which even I, (rebeller against fashion trends... trust me, I finally bought skinny jeans about 2 years after everybody else!), am growing fond of. But the main question I think it poses is this:

Is it glamourising the look of "geek" or is it taking the piss out of it?

I mean, to be honest, most girls you see embracing the "geek chic" trend are really not all that bad looking are they? Glam girls, beautiful, pretty and generally with pretty good skin... all donning the think rimmed glasses and sweater vests. That's not to say you can't be a geek and be attractive too... by a long way (please don't think I would be insinuating that!).

But if you were to see what one may class as a "genuine geek", you wouldn't be rushing over to them with the intention of enquiring about where one could purchase a pair of those ever so sexy loafers!

It's almost as if....
it's ok to dress like a geek if you aren't one, but if you are one... you are still classified a geek. And that is different from "geek chic".

And really, do you actually need glasses?


Saturday, 7 November 2009


Found this on some random blog, made me smile.

Friday, 6 November 2009


Am in the flat today and it's bloody freezing! My usual reaction would be to turn the heating on, but in my current financial situation, I'm thinking that isn't an option :S

So, I've lit a few candles, put on my wooliest scarf and am being glared at by a pile of laundry waiting to be ironed. This may well be the solution, I always get too hot when I'm ironing, so maybe I can get my ironing done, and heat up the flat at the same time.

Common sense & the urge to do housework only comes to me once in a while :)

Sunday, 1 November 2009

Halloween... favourite fancy dress occasion, and for years I have tried to better the previous years' attire. But this year,  I was stumped and dragged out the old faithful Halloween corset, which, each year is reincarnated to create a new character. After some consideration and a lot of experimentation with the hair I decided to settle on my favourite lady of the moment, Marie Antoinette (as a nice little follow up to my birthday celebrations). Of course, this was the Halloween version and required copious amounts of white powder and good old Barry M! 

So Happy Halloween