Wednesday, 28 October 2009


Hamsters are stupidly hard to photograph. This is Flossy and she is the worst model ever! But here is the one picture I managed to capture of her stuffing her little pouches (probably with chocolate).

Monday, 26 October 2009

Couture on a Cloud

Some work I did back in January 09

Friday, 23 October 2009


I just found these photos taken rather a while ago (some point early in summer) from when I was re staining my neglected canvas. It was started back in August 08 and then got rained on, re stained and is now hanging on my wall begging to be finished.

Petrov, Yelyana, and Me

Bret & Jemaine

..saved the day today. I walked into Rockaboom with absolutely no intention on parting with any money and yet 5 minutes and £15 later I left the shop with the new Flight of the Conchords album on vinyl clutched between my fingers!

I got home to discover that this was one freakin' awesome purchace as not only was it an ultimately cool buy, it also came with a nice big poster of the album artwork, a lyrics & guitar chords booklet (printed on real nice paper), a coupon to download the whole album as mp3's for free annnd the vinyl itself is see through PURPLE!!!!

(I was so excited I felt the need to take some photos.)

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Quick photographic catch up!

Here are a few photos which I would say summed up my summer.

Monday, 19 October 2009

OMG ..... 3 blogless months!

I cannot believe how long I have been neglecting this! I can tell you exactly why, I took 3 rolls of film when I went away for that week during the summer and had been meaning to get them processed and posted up on here but funds wouldn't allow me and I just haven't been back since.

A lot has happened in the last 3 months (well, that's a blatant lie)!

I will try to remember what to write about while I go and get myself along to Jessops to get those prints!!!